Simple Things to Reverse Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction


Do you know if you have erectile dysfunction?

And you have started doing exploration on implicit results you are going to be completely confused and the biggest strategies for this condition is each about just managing this condition but what about fixing it?

They do not really talk about that there is just a lot of data on Viagra different results but what we are going to do is concentrate more on the problem the pathophysiology the medium of how this condition could do?

To try to understand the root cause of this so you can resolve this condition so numerous people assume that it’s just low testosterone and they just need to concentrate on that but there are people with normal testosterone that have erectile dysfunction and there are people with abnormal testosterone or low testosterone and do not have erectile dysfunction.

So why is that testosterone is part of the answer but there is there’s further data that I want to partake with you one of the most important motes involved in erectile dysfunction.

Role of Nitric Oxide in Body

This thing is called nitric oxide, nitric oxide n- o our bodies can make it we can get it from food but supposedly nitric oxide decreases as you get aged it’s at a position of 50 when you reach age 40.

And nitric oxide is a major player in constructions in fact viagra uses certain nitric oxide pathways and so the most likely reason for someone with erectile dysfunction has to do with a insufficiency of this patch nitric oxide and what I am going to be talking about moment is all the effects that align with this proposition okay because the further data you have to back up this proposition the more it’s presumably true so nitric oxide is made by your endothelial cells that is the cells and the inside of the roadway and so nitric oxide it has everything to do with helping the highways vasodilate

In fact it’s involved in commodity called endothelium deduced comforting factor edrf so nitric oxide helps relax your highways and it increases blood inflow not just with constructions but also your cardiovascular system and other systems in the body and so if you have low nitric oxide you could have asthma, so it’s privately involved with the tone of the vascular system that relates to vasoconstriction and vasodilation nitric oxide increases oxygen release in your blood.

So if you do not have enough nitric oxide you are going to have a hard time breathing the 79 percent of people with sleep apnea have erectile dysfunction.

so that is one connection another link would be the relationship between nitric oxide and cortisol it helps to regulate cortisol which is a stress hormone and it’s a proven fact that the further anxiety someone has the more cortisol someone has the more stress they’ve the further they are going to witness erectile dysfunction in fact someone cannot get an construction when they are sympathetic dominant where there is a lot of stress constructions do when you are more parasympathetic dominant when you have low quantities of stress when you are calm this is why men might get an construction while they are sleeping because they are more parasympathetic dominant now then is another connection that is intriguing nitric oxide has a profound effect over testicular steroids this means that it helps you make testosterone so there is your connection between nitric oxide and testosterone.

If you are low in nitric oxide you are presumably not going to make as important testosterone nitric oxide is also involved in luteinizing hormone that is the hormone produced by the pituitary gland that controls the testicles and the quantum of testosterone you are going to make nitric oxide also is privately involved in the sleep cycles including rem sleep this could be also why if someone has sleeping problems wakefulness or surely sleep apnea that they’ve a lesser threat of erectile dysfunction.

Nitric oxide also increases insulin perceptivity this also explains why a diabetic who always has insulin resistance generally also has erectile dysfunction I mean if you suppose about it what does high sugar do to the inside of your highways it destroys the endothelial position and thereby dwindling the quantum of nitric oxide produced people that are on statin medicines generally have either lower testosterone or they are at lesser threat for erectile dysfunction and this could be because statin medicines block cholesterol which is a precursor for making testosterone

so, the big question now is how do you increase nitric oxide is there a way to do it naturally?

There are some ways where you can increase nitric oxide naturally they are:

  • you can start doing what is called nasal breathing start breathing through your nose not your mouth supposedly when you do that you increase nitric oxide and you can also increase the release of oxygen in your blood by 20 percent by breathing through your nose because there is further resistance there is actually 50 percent more resistance with breathing through your nose than your mouth and supposedly that increases nitric oxide to your lungs and the rest of your body and it also helps you release oxygen you would suppose you are not going to breathe as important but you actually release more oxygen when you breathe through your nose now.
  • regular exercise so let’s say you are going to do a mild exercise where you are doing some type of exercise where you are not breathing intensely if you can breathe through your nose you’ll also increase nitric oxide and exercise improves your endothelial cells in your vascular system which will also ameliorate nitric oxide.
  • you can also increase nitrates from foods to ameliorate nitric oxide okay the foods that are high in nitrates would be beets okay spinach kale any of the lush flora those are all high in nitrates and will help you increase nitric oxide.
  • on the wise side you would want to avoid sugar because that destroys the inside of the highways you would want to avoid alcohol too because that also decreases nitric oxide you’d also want to try to keep your stress low because stress can inhibit nitric oxide as well.
  • do effects to ameliorate your sleep okay that is going to help increase your nitric oxide so these are five natural effects you can do to overcome the drop of nitric oxide which comes from growing.


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