Signs of low Testosterone

low testesterone

When you think of Testosterone?

low testesterone

What comes to your mind steroids, macho man, rage there is a lot of misunderstanding out there on what Testosterone actually is and how it plays a major role in men’s bodies.

There are issues like decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, erectile dysfunction.

You may be experiencing some of these things and not even realize it has to do with your testosterone levels.

But should you turn to Exogenous testosterone? Is it bad for you?

Are there risks associated with higher or lower levels in your body?

And there are any natural ways to boost it without taking any supplements?

Today we are breaking down all the crucial facts and questions that you might be wondering about Testosterone and its major role in your health. So, here’s the deal Testosterone play a major role in men’s health and can be linked to certain diseases and issues that may just surprise you.

For Example, did you know that testosterone is a key play in prostrate cancer?

Or that woman need testosterone too? Also, there a way more to testosterone than just getting sole, plus there are 10 different signs that you may be dealing with low testosterone levels. We going to go all of these, but first things first.

What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone and anabolic steroid in males. In male humans Testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissue, such as testes and the prostrate, as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics, such increase muscle and bone mass the growth of body hair and the deepening of the voice during puberty, for women, testosterone comes in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production in male increases about 30 times more during adolescence and early childhood. After early childhood, through it’s natural for levels to drop slightly each year. In fact, they may see 1% of decline after 30 years old.

How does the Testosterone work in the body?

On a scientific level the signals are sent from the brain to the pituitary gland. This controls the production of testosterone in men. The pituitary gland then relays the signal to the testes to produce testosterone. A feedback loop closely regulates the amount of hormone in the blood. Then if and when Testosterone levels rise too high, the brain sends signal to the pituitary gland to reduce production of testosterone. It’s important to have the right amount of testosterone levels in your body.

So how do you know if you have low testosterone levels and when should you be concern enough to start seeking out medical advice?

Here are 10 signs you might be dealing with lower than ideal levels of testosterone.

  1. Sex Drive Dips: Testosterone plays a key role in libido= Sex Drive in men. Although some men may experience a decline in sex drive as they age, men with low testosterone levels will likely may experience a more drastic drop in their desire to have sex.
  2. Difficulty with erection: while testosterone simulates a man’s sex also aids in achieving and maintaining an erection. Even though testosterone alone doesn’t cause an erection it does stimulate receptors in the brain to produce nitric oxide. It’s nitric oxide molecule that helps tigger a series of chemical reactions necessary for an erection to occur. When Testosterone levels are too low, a man may have difficulty achieving an erection prior to sex, but keep in mind, there are many other factors that play as well.
  3. Low semen volume: Testosterone plays a role in the production of semen, the fluid that aids in the motility of sperm. If your testosterone levels are low, your sperm count will be low as well.
  4. Hair loss: Although Blading is a natural part of aging for many men, testosterone could play a major role in your thinning of your hair, while there is an inherited component to blading, many men on the other hand may experience a loss of body and facial hair when there are lower levels of testosterone.
  5. Fatigue: If you find yourself getting tired all the time, despite getting full amount of sleep, you may be dealing in low levels of testosterone, it’s best and good time to discuss with your doctor
  6. Loss of muscle mass: Testosterone plays a major role in building muscle, you may experience loss of mass in your muscles as well if you are dealing with less than ideal levels of testosterone
  7. Increased body fat: Sometimes when there is a disruption or there is an imbalance of testosterone or estrogen in men, In particular, men can experience things like gynecomastia or an enlarged breast tissue or other areas of increased of body fat.
  8. Decrease bone mass: Men with low testosterone levels especially as they gets older, men have lower bone volume and more susceptible to bone fractures and osteoporosis
  9. Mood and mental capacity: if you find yourself with out of normal depression irritability or lack of focus this could be the issue with the levels of testosterone in your body. Additionally, both testosterone levels and cognitive functions particularly memory decline with age. As a result, doctors have theorized that lower testosterone levels could contribute to the effected memory
  10. Low blood Counts: Doctors have linked with low testosterone with increased risk for anaemia. According to the research article in the journal of American Medical Association, some risks and symptoms with Anaemia can include dizziness, light cramping, sleep disruption, abnormal heart rate and more. When researchers gave testosterone gel to the anaemic men who have low testosterone levels, they saw improvements in blood counts as opposed to men who only received a placebo.

So, what in the world causes low testosterone? And should you be concerned about it?

As we age, we produce less, it’s a natural part of aging process but there are several other causes that can also result in lower testosterone levels as well things like injury to the testicles or pituitary disorders, cancer treatments, HIV or aids, inflammatory disease such as sarcoidosis or tuberculosis, testicular tumours are just some of the causes of low production of testosterone and low production of testosterone can then sometime lead to hypogonadism. In men complications of untreated hypogonadism include loss of libido, failure to achieve physical strength, osteoporosis, infertility and a range of other health complications. Testosterone replacement therapy is usually used to treat low levels and hypogonadism are there any possible side effects from taking testosterone therapy?

Yes, like other supplements and medications testosterone therapy comes with risk and possible side effects as well. This is particularly true if you try to take it for normal aging rather than treating a condition. Short term complication includes sleep aponia, achene flares enlarged breasts testicular shrinkage and more. Whereas men on long term focus on testosterone therapy appear to have high risk of cardiovascular problems such as heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease. There is a lingering concern that testosterone therapy could also stimulate growth of prostrate cancer cells. As always talk to your health care provider first and foremost so you can go over things like testosterone testing to determine whether supplementation is best for you.

Lastly there are natural remedies of increasing testosterone naturally?

Well, testosterone therapy is not for everyone. There are natural remedies available that you can try as well to boost your natural testosterone level.

  1. Zinc: Studies have found Zinc to be essential in helping regulate serum testosterone levels in men. You can add zinc to your diet by eating whole grains and shellfish or through additional supplements.
  2. Potassium: it aids in testosterone synthesis, add potassium rich foods into your meals like bananas, beets and spinach if you want a little natural boost of testosterone.
  3. Lifestyle changes: things like getting more physical activity, more sleep and managing your stress are all the things that can lead to your testosterone levels. All right, that’s been a testosterone breakdown with me.

There are many supplements available in the market if you want you can buy those, So, here are a list of top quality of testosterone boosters:

  1. Alpha Tonic
  2. Nitric Oxide Supplements
  3. Erectile Dysfunction Supplements



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